Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Differential Scanning Caloriemeter DSC

Differential Scanning Caloriemeter (DSC): 
This technique is more or less similar to DTA except that it measures the amount of heat 
absorbed or released by a sample as it is heated or cooled or kept at constant temperature  
(isothermal). Here the sample and reference material are simultaneously heated or cooled at a 
constant rate. The difference in temperature between them is proportional to the difference in 
heat flow (from the heating source i.e. furnace), between the two materials. It is the well-
suited technique in the detection and further studies of liquid crystals. This technique is 
applied to most of the polymers in evaluating the curing process of the thermoset materials as 
well as in determining the heat of melting and melting point of thermoplastic polymers, glass 
transition temperature (Tg.), endothermic & exothermic behaviour. Through the adjunct 
process of isothermal crystallization it provides information regarding  the molecular weight 
and structural differences between very similar materials. The instrumentation is exactly 
similar to that of DTA except for the difference in obtaining the results.

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